To Know Christ and
to Make Christ Known.

We help people of all ages become fully devoted followers 
of Jesus Christ who serve their community faithfully in His name.

Sunday Worship

8:00am  |  9:15am  |  10:30am

Servicios en Español
Domingo - 11:30am
Jueves - 7pm Oración
*Radio 9:15am - 103.7 FM

Welcome to Aldersgate

We're not perfect people but we strive toward the one who is. So come as you are, we would love for you to join us as we seek after the very heart of God together. We long to be the hands and feet of Jesus and to grow deeper in our walk with the Lord.
What can you expect when coming to Aldersgate
Ready to take your next steps? Learn more about following Jesus, baptism, small groups or joining a serving team.
Check out what's happening at Aldersgate

Our most recent messages

Watch or listen to our messages, or take a look at some past ones.

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